
PTS has announced that they will release a batch of limited-edition Tonics benefiting two Chicago based charities in honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and Breast Cancer Awareness Month for the second year in a row.

Following the overwhelming success of last year’s limited edition Tonic fundraiser, PTS was excited for the opportunity to partner with Compass to Care and the Lynn Sage Foundation. The 2020 limited edition bottle sales allowed PTS to donate $12,500 to both organizations.

The 2021 limited edition Tonic bottles feature new designs that capture the spirit of the organizations. For every limited-edition Raspberry Lemonade Tonic sold to a dispensary, PTS will donate $1.25 to The Lynn Sage Foundation. The Compass to Care Foundation will receive $1.25 from PTS for every limited-edition 1:1 Tropical Punch Tonic sold.

The Lynn Sage Foundation was founded in honor of Lynn Sage, who lost her battle to breast cancer at 39. The foundation, started by the Sage family, is committed to supporting local breast cancer researchers through its partnerships with the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University and Rush University Medical Center.

The Compass to Care foundation ensures children can access life-saving cancer treatments. Compass to Care removes the fiscal burden of travelling to hospitals and treatment facilities so families can focus on their children. Michelle Ernsdorff-May founded Compass to Care after seeing the lengths her parents would go to ensure she was able to get treatment for kidney cancer.

Limited Edition Tropical Punch Lab Results: September 2020 - September 2021

Limited Edition Raspberry Lemonade Lab Results: September 2020 - September 2021

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Este producto contiene cannabis y es para adultos mayores de 21 años. Su uso puede afectar la cognición y puede crear hábito. Este producto no debe ser usado por mujeres embarazadas o en periodo de lactancia. Es ilegal vender o proporcionar este artículo a cualquier individual y no puede ser transportado fuera del estado de Illinois. Es ilegal operar un vehículo motorizado bajo la influencia del cannabis. La posesión o el uso de este producto puede conllevar sanciones legales importantes en algunas jurisdicciones y bajo la ley federal.

PRECAUCIÓN: Este producto contiene cannabis y la intoxicación posterior al uso puede demorarse 2 horas o más. Este producto se produjo en una instalación que cultiva cannabis y que también puede procesar alérgenos alimentarios comunes.

Comprender la información de los exámenes de laboratorio:  

“Packaged” = fecha de envasado

“Manufactured = fabricada

“Tested = probada

“Use by = uso por

“Harvested = cosechada

“Potency Analysis” = análisis de potencia

“Usable” = usable